The Good News of Messiah New Testament

The Good News of Messiah


Besorat haMashiach

בשר המשיח

Good News New Testament

The Good News of Messiah New Testament, a 5th Edition translation paperback, is a benchmark, groundbreaking, scholarly, and yet, an easy to read and understand rendition of the New Testament scriptures. The Good News of Messiah corrects the many linguistic and chronologically challenging and conflicting texts found in traditional translations. Resourced utilising sound logical investigation and grammatical definitions found only in standard Greek/Hebrew Lexicons.

The Good News of Messiah besides addressing many contextual issues and misunderstandings, five major, cornerstone, paradigm corrections concerning the following words below, all found extensively throughout the Pauline Epistles and Letters, are drawn into sharp focus, precision, and subsequent and harmony:

LAW and NOMOS [νόμος]
DIKAIOUSONE [δικαιούνη]

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The Good News of Messiah therefore remains a definitive, must-have, study resource for any denomination, church, congregation, ministry, fellowship, Bible-study group, or Christian home desiring to read the scriptures in their original, first-century meaning, context, nuance, chronology, and intent. 

With over 1800 footnotes, cross references and commentaries, plus 15 appendices, the 526-page, exhaustive, 5th Edition, is a benchmark, groundbreaking, scholarly, yet, easy to read and understand rendition and translation of the New Testament scriptures. Packed full of helpful commentaries, context, Hebraisms and insights into Biblical Greek and Hebrew.

Mapping the Times and Seasons

The Good News of Messiah is a chronologically-corrected Gospel account, compliant to the prescribed, ancient reckoning of Biblical, time-keeping established in Genesis 1:14 and Genesis 1:5 and allows us to extrapolate and pinpoint key events throughout Biblical chronological history and map the times and season with clarity. An essential tool in understanding the chronology and timing of the Birth, Ministry, Death, and the Resurrection of the Messiah, harmonious with Daniel 9. The Good News of Messiah therefore also rightly adjusts the time frame and years of Messiah’s Ministry and Passion.

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons/appointed times וּלְמ֣וֹעֲדִ֔ים and for days, and years:

Then there was evening, is actually, then there was ‘setting’ עֶ֥רֶב the diminishing of a light source. Then there was morning / daybreak, is actually, then there was ‘daybreak’ בֹ֖קֶרday one י֥וֹםאֶחָֽד.

Paul, the Law and Nomos, νόμος

The Good News of Messiah is the only translation available of the NT scriptures that pragmatically demonstrates that nomos, νόμος used 148 times in 108 scriptures in the writings of Paul does not always mean “law, the law, or law” in every case in which it is used.

The actual nuance of nomos, spans a very, very, wide range of meanings, such as:

A custom, a usage, a norm, a rule, tradition, the status quo or law; a procedure or practice that has taken hold, a custom, rule, a principle, and a norm. Please see here, LAW/NOMOS. For example:

A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, third edition (BDAG), © 2000 by the University of Chicago, revised by Frederick Danker. 
Greek NOMOS – Mistranslated LAW/TORAH
Corrected: A procedure, or a practice that has taken hold, a custom, rule, principle or norm – page 667.

Greek-English Lexicon, Liddell & Scott, 9th edition, reprinted 1985 with 1968 supplement, All rights reserved.
Greek NOMOS – Mistranslated LAW
Corrected: A usage or custom – page 1180.

Nomos and the beginnings of the Athenian Democracy, Martin Ostwald, Oxford Clarendon Press, 1969.
Greek NOMOS Mistranslated LAW
Corrected: A valid norm of society, normal order, normal way, customary practice, statute, normal way – page 40, 215, 22, preface.

1 Co 9:20  And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law;
1 Co 9:21  To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law.

And consequently, correctly rendered in The Good News of Messiah.

1 Cor 9 - 20 law and nomos

nomos law customary

Paul, Justified and Dikaioo, δικαιόω

Conflicting theologies automatically assume ‘justified’ means “to be made righteous,” or even mean “to be declared righteous”. But that is not what the view through rosy coloured glasses should see, when in fact that person is not righteous.

The word ‘justified’ itself is not even native to the English language. It was coined from the Latin  “justice” [iustitia] and when supplied with an fied” [ficare] ending turns it into a verb” – iustificare by bible translators. From the start it was loaded with an anti-nomian / anti-torah / OT theological nuance which could simply defuse all the theological nuances by simply modifying the verbal ending to ” -ed”, i.e. “justiced”.

Justified occurs 18 times in the Pauline narratives, and is translated according to definitions found only in standard Greek Lexicons. Please see here, JUSTIFIED/DIKAIOO. For example:

Thayer’s Lexicon.
Greek DIKAIOO – Mistranslated JUSTIFIED
Corrected: To have justice done, to suffer justice – page 151.

Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Abridged in One Volume, © 1985 Eerdmans, reprinted 2003.
Greek DIKAIOO – Mistranslated JUSTIFIED
Corrected: To secure justice, pass sentence, punish, to secure him justice, treated justly, secure justice, judge, punish, pronounce sentence – page 175, 211, 212

Greek-English Lexicon, Liddell & Scott, 9th edition, reprinted 1985 with 1968 supplement, All rights reserved.
Greek DIKAIOO – Mistranslated JUSTIFIED
Corrected: Brought to justice, chastise, punish, pass sentence on – page 42, 429

A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament, G. Abbott-Smith, T & T Clark, third edition, 1986. All rights reserved.
Greek DIKAIOO – Mistranslated JUSTIFIED
Corrected: To do one justice – page 116.

Romans 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:

And correctly rendered in The Good News of Messiah.

having been justiced

Paul and Faith, Belief and Pistis, πίστις

The first issue is whether the word πίστεως means belief, faith or faithfulness. The word may have all of those meanings, but what do the dictionaries say?

BDAG, 3rd: “1. faithfulness, reliability, fidelity, commitment” Anyone who has the slightest bit of doubt should go and inspect Additional Greek Lexicons in a photo archive provided with complete source information.

The meaning is supported by the same word in different parts of speech, i.e. πιστός means faithful (BDAG). And the verb πιστεύω means to have fidelity, be faithful, be trustingly faithful. Thayer supplies, to commit oneself trustfully, and BDAG suggests the meaning commitment. Even though the Christian Lexicons are very reluctant, and almost loathe to unify, or note that the word group is unified, the sense is obviously, be faithful, faithful, and faithfulness for the verb, the adjective, and the noun form respectively. Please see here, BELIEF / PISTIS. For example:

A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, third edition (BDAG), © 2000 by the University of Chicago, revised by Frederick Danker.
Greek PISTIS – Mistranslated FAITH/BELIEF
Corrected: Faithfulness, reliability, fidelity, and commitment – page 818.
Greek PISTEUO – Mistranslated BELIEVE
Corrected: To entrust oneself to an entity in complete confidence. Believe in, trust – page 817.

Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Abridged in One Volume, © 1985 Eerdmans, reprinted 2003.
Greek PISTIS – Mistranslated FAITH/BELIEF
Corrected: Faithfulness – page 853.

Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Joseph Henry Thayer, ©1977 Baker. Confirming source: Blue Letter Bible.
Greek PISTIS – Mistranslated FAITH/BELIEF
Corrected: Fidelity, faithfulness – page 514.

A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament, G. Abbott-Smith, T & T Clark, third edition, 1986. All rights reserved.
Greek PISTIS – Mistranslated FAITH/BELIEF
Corrected: Fidelity, faithfulness – page 362.

Romans 3:21, 22. But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:

And correctly rendered in The Good News of Messiah New Testament

Romans 3 v 21

A Judicial NormWatch, The Worse, Mistranslated Verse in the Bible.

Paul, and Righteousness and Dikaiousone, δικαιούνη

Definition of DIKAI- Stem

DIKAIOUSUNE justice, right, rightness, justness;

This noun means both right/deserved treatment and/or upright behaviour; in English the nouns justice and righteousness tend to separate right treatment from right behaviour. This problem is not found in Latin based languages, Greek, or Hebrew.

1. Justice

a. right treatment, deserved treatment
b. upright behaviour

2. Righteousness

a. upright behaviour
b. right treatment, deserved treatment

In understanding dikiaoo, “justifcation” (the application of the just due to Yeshua) is different than, but not dichotomous to, personal righteous. A person is righteous by obeying the commandments, but obeying the commandments does not satisfy the just requirement of God for a just/right/righteous satisfaction of the punishment one is due. Yeshua is that satisfaction – the just punishment in the place of the sinner. Hence, he is the justice of God for the sinner through which the sinner receives pardon for the punishment originally due us. Please see here RIGHTEOUSNESS AND DIKAIOUSONE. For example:

A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, third edition (BDAG), © 2000 by the University of Chicago, revised by Frederick Danker.
Corrected: Justice – page 247.

Greek-English Lexicon, Liddell & Scott, 9th edition, reprinted 1985 with 1968 supplement, All rights reserved.
Corrected: Justice – page 429.

Justice and/or Righteousness: A Contextualized Analysis of SEDEQ in the KJV (English) and RVR (Spanish), Steven M. Voth, pg. 321-345, The Challenge of Bible Translation, © 2003 by Voth, Zondervan.
Corrected: Justice – page 324.

The Jerusalem Bible, 1966, Doubleday.
Corrected: Justice – Romans 1:17.

Corrected: Justice – Romans 3:21.

First Day of The Week and Mia Ton Shabaton, σαββάτων

All the resurrection accounts show that Yeshua was raised from the dead on the first Sabbath after Passover (μια των σαββατων; Matthew 28:1; Mark 16:2; cf. vs. 9; Luke 24:1; John 20:1, 19; cf. Acts 20:7; cf. 1 Cor. 16:2).

In 1 Cor. 16:2 Paul tells the faithful to save up a contribution “down from the first of Sabbaths” (κατα μιαν σαββατων) to send to Jerusalem for Pentecost (1 Cor. 16:8). The anniversary of the resurrection always falls right after Passover. It is marked on the “first of the sabbaths” in Acts 20:7 (Εν δε τη μια των σαββατων), when the disciples met to “break bread”, which is a near eastern expression for a common meal. The next day, a common Sunday morning, Paul departed on his journey. The expression showing the time of the resurrection appears eight times in the Apostolic Writings. It designates a special Sabbath (cf. Lev. 23:15) along with the regular Sabbaths. Even John received his vision on the Sabbath (cf. Rev. 1:10).

Sadly all Sunday worship promoters are “under learned” in the Bible. What they have learned is a church tradition, and then by their tradition they have corrupted Biblical texts. Not only do these two texts (Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:2) say ‘one of the sabbaths’; they all do, including the resurrection passages (Matt. 28:1; Mark 16:2; Luke 24:1; John 20:1, 19). The reason that they do not know God’s covenant sign is that they do not keep his commandments (1 John 2:3-4; John 15:10). If one looks at J.P. Green’s, “The Interlinear Bible” (vol. iv., 2nd edition) then one will see that it does indeed say, “one of the sabbaths” in Acts 20:7. Please see here, FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK AND MIA TON SHABATON.

A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, third edition (BDAG), © 2000 by the University of Chicago, revised by Frederick Danker.

Definition Seventh day of the Hebrew week.

The Interlinear Bible: Hebrew-English, vol. 4, J.P. Green, Sr., 1985.

Corrected: Acts 20:7 – One of the Sabbaths.

Concordant Greek Text, 1931, 1976 Concordant Publishing Concern.

Corrected: John 20:1 – First of the Sabbaths.

Mat 28:1 In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.

And correctly rendered in The Good News of Messiah New Testament:

Matthew 28-1 Commentary

How to get your copy of The Good News of Messiah

The Good News of Messiah remains a definitive, must-have, study resource for any denomination, church, congregation, ministry, fellowship, Bible-study group, or Christian home desiring to read the scriptures in their original, first-century meaning, context, nuance, chronology, and intent.

More Information on The Good News of Messiah

Translation Examples

Recent Review

After reading the third edition of The Good News of Messiah by Daniel Gregg, I waited in excited anticipation for the arrival of the planned fourth edition. And I wasn’t disappointed. The fourth edition is a stunning and illuminating translation of the New Testament containing an exacting academic commentary that leaves no stone unturned.

Daniel Gregg’s translation exposes false doctrine in the church at large. For years I had been taught wrongly that the doctrine of ‘Justification’ meant ‘Just as if you had never sinned’. Gregg’s translation also exposes the resultant false doctrine of acquittal by instantaneous imputed righteousness rather than the correct doctrine of guilty but pardoned by undeserved mercy followed by future imputed righteousness to the faithful obedient.

Crucial and also revolutionary to mainstream church teaching is Gregg’s translation of the Greek word for ‘faith’ as meaning to be actively confirming faithfulness by a trust and hope in God that needs to be coupled with obedience to God’s Law.

It was this confirmation, coupled with what for me was the jewel of Gregg’s work, namely, the revelation that Jesus was raised on ‘mia ton sabbaton’, the first of the Sabbaths, ie, the first weekly Sabbath after Passover (the ‘second first Sabbath’ of Luke 6:1), that liberated me to unreservedly rejoice in the seventh day Sabbath and the Feasts of the LORD.

In conclusion, after reading Daniel Gregg’s The Good News of Messiah, I felt spiritually robbed by years of incorrect church teaching and wonderfully liberated to follow and worship God as He prescribes in scripture. I would thoroughly recommend The Good News of Messiah to all who are earnestly seeking the whole Truth.

(Amanda from Wales)

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