Colossians 2:16
Corrected: “Do not let anyone judge you in eating and in drinking, (either in part of a feast, or new moon, or sabbaths), which are a shadow of things to come” This text supports Sabbath observance, because it mentions in the parenthetical clause when certain heretics were judging the covenant faithful. They were judging their feasting on feast days, new moons, and sabbaths.
The Worst Mistranslated Verse in the Bible
The first issue is whether the word πίστεως means belief, faith or faithfulness. The word may have all of those meanings, but what do the dictionaries say?
BDAG, 3rd: “1. faithfulness, reliability, fidelity, commitment” Anyone who has the slightest bit of doubt should go and inspect Additional Greek Lexicons in a photo archive provided with complete source information.
Does Yhvh Change His Mind?
Does Yhvh change his mind? Does He delay, relent, repent of what He will do to an individual or nation? In this short clip, these issues are put to rest.