Welcome to our Hebraic Roots
Our Crossings Over . . .
Welcome to Hebrew Roots.
Yes, ‘crossed over’ if you may have wondered. Hebrew or ivri means to crossover or pass over to another place. The word was first termed in Genesis 14:13 when Abraham was described as Abram the Hebrew. So please don’t panic and leave. Our roots is where and from we draw nourishment to grow, some may call it our ancient paths. In fact, we’ve all kind of crossed over from one place to another, and continue to cross over in many ways.
You’ve arrived here I would expect, you, the reader and seeker of truth may be looking for answers to correct scriptural biblical chronology and a correct understanding of the “New Testament” or more accurately the Renewed Covenant through the ancient koine Greek and biblical Hebrew of that era and how the disciples of Yeshua would have understood them.
Confirming Faithfulness of Messiah.
The faithful in Yeshua all over the world are slowly waking up to the fact that Christianity sadly began to defect from the truth soon after Messiah Yeshua’s return to the Father, and has, over the last two millennia increased in corruption and subversion to the truth and been transformed into an Ecclesiastical Deep State, becoming more an enemy of the truth than a purveyor of it. It may look like a lamb, and has two horns, but its words are the words of The Serpent. In Matthew 7:22, Yeshua warned us about the lawlessness of the many. The “many” are a majority who take the name of Messiah, but who are not faithful to him.
Torah, Writings and Prophets.
The restoration of the original texts of biblical chronology will expose the many fabrications of mainstream religion and will lead to a return to the simple purity of truth through the living Word.
We know from the texts of the Torah, Writings and Prophets that they were always the checks, balances and blueprint for past and future prophetic prose and texts.
We find the Bereans examining the Scriptures daily in Acts 17:11, scrutinising all of Paul’s teachings about the promised Jewish Messiah of Israel many centuries before the New Testament or Renewed Covenant scriptures had ever been penned.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 . . . All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for instruction, for conviction, for correction, and for training in righteousness. What scriptures were these? When we consider no canon of scripture had at that time been compiled, except the texts from the ancient covenant, the Torah, the Tanakh, writings and prophets.
Luke 24:45 states, Then opened he opened their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures. Which scriptures was our Messiah referring to?
Paul tells us that Yeshua was buried and rose “the third day” according to the Scriptures.
Has the Most High’s Covenant of old been annulled?
Mainstream Orthodoxy and tradition now teaches that the ‘instructions’ in Hebrew or Nomos in the epistles of Paul in the New Testament, has been now abandoned, nullified, abolished, reduced and replaced in varying degrees.
Would this mean that the Biblical dietary instructions that is prescribed for our positive well-being and good are now abolished and all food/meat is now deemed clean as many claim? Did the Creator change His Word somewhere? Has the command to rest on a specific day now been transferred to a Sabbath Sunday? Has Babylonian, Hellenistic and ancient sun-god, occult holidays and practices replaced the appointed feasts (moedim) as instituted by YeHoVaH in His instructions to us and observed by Yeshua, Paul and the early disciples?
Many of us may ask, do any of these things matter anymore? Do they even apply to our lives today? And, anyway, hasn’t all of this passed away and been abolished and does not apply anymore – as many so mistakenly claim, that Yeshua did so I don’t have to.
If you’ve been anxious for “something more,” be prepared to discover answers that will reshape your understanding and perspective and shed a renewed light on the evidence that proves the Bible’s eternal veracity through a clearer awareness of the context, language, idioms, culture, history, and religious-political backdrop of that era.
Our Support – His Faithfulness.
Is it now time to return to the support of the covenant as Jesus taught in his opening core statements in Matthew 5:17-18 when He said:
Think NOT (don’t even think about it, don’t even go there, do not devise) that I am come to destroy the law (the Torah/instructions/Nomos), or the prophets: I am NOT come to destroy, but to fulfil.
(From G4134; pleroo, to make replete, that is, (literally) to cram (a net), level up (a hollow).
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot (yod = the smallest letter in the Hebrew alpha- bet) or one tittle (taggim = the decorative crown on certain Hebrew letters) shall in no wise pass from the law (the Torah), till all be fulfilled.
Renew Your Trusting Faithfulness.
I hope the learning material and the ensuing posts will restore and renew your understanding of scripture and the many poor translations and subsequent mis-interpretations for millennia can now be deciphered and restored to its correct context within a first-century understanding that is still very relevant to us today.